@Milwaukee Bucks

Giannis is Nuggets Fans’ Favorite Non-Nugget Player

Giannis is Nuggets Fans’ Favorite Non-Nugget Player

by throwaway34155234


  1. basketballmathguy

    Honestly not surprised. I don’t know why I’m not surprised but I’m not surprised. So make of that what you will.

  2. StagedPhoto

    Ya and Jokic should be Bucks fans favorite player. Two small markets with humble superstars leading their teams to success. It’s embarrassing when fans get all defensive and insecure about the MVP because it ultimately ends with tearing the other one down instead of appreciating both.

  3. MacDemarcoMurray

    glad to see this because i feel the same way about Jokic and the Nuggets. the Jokic hate is undeserved, he’s incredible and extremely likeable.

    was it fair that voter fatigue hindered Giannis’ MVP chances? absolutely not. but that doesn’t mean Jokic should have to deal with the same bs. im just glad that ridiculous argument is being thrown out

  4. Thanasis-43

    My favourite non-Nuggets player is also Giannis 😂

  5. girlscoutcookies05

    Im still mad the NBA scheduled Giannis vs Jokic on b2b’s TWICE this season

  6. finn_odalih

    As both a Bucks and Nuggets fan, I frequent the nuggets sub a lot, and we do love Giannis.

    To the point where any Giannis badmouthing in our daily threads get heavily downvoted.

    Which is why the recent uptick in Bucks fans that are hating on Jokic because of the MVP race is really suprising and disappointing. I understand why it’s happening, but if it were the other way around, I honestly don’t think most Nuggets fans would mind if Giannis got the MVP this season.

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