@New York Knicks

Sims is vibing

Sims is vibing

by marinemom007


  1. Broadway_Baller

    He got too much shit.

    EDIT: this is why more stars don’t do it. Jericho puts himself out there and he gets shit for it. His dunks weren’t even bad, especially the second one (the paper was corny) but getting your fucking armpit in the hoop. I don’t need to hear dudes who can’t even dunk talk shit about that, even in the league there’s only so many players who can do that.

  2. NYJmmkay

    people shitting on his dunks really can’t tell me who else is putting their shoulder in the rim so easily like that, Jericho has freakish bounce for his size

  3. IsLivingWorthIt

    Dunks was ass. But boi a millionaire shit can only stress u so much lmao

  4. MasterpieceFromSouth

    Even rooting for Trey Murphy and enjoying McClung, i found Sims to be quite impressive

  5. heeyebsx13

    His dunks weren’t creative but that doesn’t make them bad
 and definitely nothing people should be TRYING to embarrass him over. Cornball behavior and Knicks for clicks

  6. Was going to be tough with him, seemingly, only having a few days of prior notice that he would be a part of the dunk contest

  7. Every-Action7918

    Vibing and thriving 
someone called him an NPC on Instagram and I was like yea an NPC contributing to a playoff team and making millions while doing it 
I’ll take that any day 

  8. His dunks just made no sense. He has a slam dunk contest winner as a teammate. You think he would have asked him how to spice them up. Like, all he had to do was bounce the ball off the backboard once and it would have been great.

  9. cesarjulius

    if he got two elbows in the first time clean, that would have been nice.

    then if he did a full armpit dunk for the next one clean and without the envelope trash, THAT would have been nice.

    but what i really wanted to see was the first two-footed foul line dunk. i really think he could do it. maybe padding for the landing so he doesn’t literally die.

  10. Chr1s78987x

    Jumping that high is extremely impressive. Doing the same thing twice in a row and begging the judges for a 50 was kinda cringe though. I still think he could’ve made it to the final round if he did a 360 or something. Nobody else was impressive besides McClung

  11. LiveLeave

    As a big and bulky dude, he hasn’t spent his whole life practicing acrobatic dunks, because it’s a recipe for injury.

  12. slickrickiii

    Damn those Utah beaches look great this time of year

  13. MikeAndresen1999

    He should be 100 percent embarrassed. That could have been the most akward/cringe thing I have ever seen in my life.

  14. People shitting on Jericho like he’s not in the 1% of best jumpers on the face of the Earth and also an NBA player. Are they as skilled in your industry as to be at the level of elite that he is at his profession?

    Yeah the dunks were whatever but he probably knows that. He’s also probably cringing at the envelope memory, but have some fucking empathy- were your cringe memories broadcast on national TV?

    People need to leave him alone. He did his best, and it is obvious why he lost to everyone including himself.

  15. dorknewyork

    If anything he atleast showed how insane his hops are

  16. Cumbayacumbaya

    Doesn’t him posting this imply he was embarrassed though

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