@Los Angeles Clippers

ight Russ welcome, we care about mental health over here so we won’t bully you like you know who 😒

ight Russ welcome, we care about mental health over here so we won’t bully you like you know who 😒

by redrum234


  1. Actual-Main-8164

    We’ve gone the extra mile to bring in everything PG wants. From one friend to the next…It’s time for PG to repay the favor.

  2. ChaosAndCreation

    Don’t lie. Most of the fans around here are just as bad as Lakers fans. We’re running very thin on real ones these days.

  3. helomynameiss

    kawhi is gonna insert a microchip in russ’ ass and we’re gonna see brodie go MVP mode again

  4. boatsnprose

    lmao bro he’s about to get shit on by a fifth of the people but with ten times the hatred. The doomers do not cope well.

    That said, let’s fucking get it. I hated dude for shitting on Bev, but the turns have tabled. I’m all in.

  5. corianderdad

    One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. i hope russ was better for than he was for us

  6. Infamous-Band7927

    I give it two Ls before you all start saying westbrick 🤣

  7. MegatonDeathclaws

    As soon as he plays like shit y’all will turn on him.

  8. Westbrook is a class act and a future hall of famer. Sure he’s well past his prime, but he’s still a solid player

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